The DSAA welcomes 2022

The Digital Skills Accelerator Africa celebrates and welcomes the year 2022.

The Digital Skills Accelerator Africa celebrates and welcomes the year 2022—full of positivity and excitement for our current and upcoming projects in Africa!

📅 Looking back last year, we welcomed, in August 2021, our new Project Managers Matthias Lenz for Business Outreach & Project Development as well as Svenja L. Schauten Schauten for Association Development & Contract Management. While in October, Judee Bendiola returned as the Marketing Lead of the DSAA e.V.. Additionally, we are thankful for the continuous support of Ute Jonath as the Internal Auditor of the association, Nina Gebauer as our Gender, Equity, and Diversity Consultant, and Annabell Marie Kreuzer as the GIZ Seconded Advisor at the DSAA. 

💻 On the 24th of November, the DSAA General Assembly was held online and we are pleased to have the newly elected board members as they continue their leadership for the next years. We are delighted to have Martin Hecker as the Chairman of the Board, Mark Maass as the Deputy Chairman, and Ulrich Busch as the Treasurer. 

✔️ The DSAA is now composed of 12 member companies. Since the DSAA’s foundation in 2019, we have exponentially grown. We are looking forward to more collaboration between member companies as we get closer to our goals in increasing digital talents in Africa and creating more job opportunities through our strong cooperation. 

📘 As of now, the DSAA has hosted a total of 21 training programs. Nine of which are already completed, and 12 are still running. We are very optimistic to increase these numbers this year and also spread awareness with regards to our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion commitment throughout all DSAA related projects and events.

💯 With this exceptional momentum within the association, we are ready to rapidly grow, closely collaborate, and meaningfully inspire everyone to join us in our journey this year and together, let’s create sustainable value across Africa!

#DSAA #InvestforJobs #OnewithDSAA #JoinDSAA

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