As the pandemic accelerated the digitalization of every company and digital businesses are increasingly becoming more important, speed and agility play a vital role to thrive in the market. However, an important question to consider is that do we have enough talents in order to move forward? How can we even find them?
DSAA e.V. Chairman of the Board and AmaliTech gGmbH CEO & Founder Martin Hecker lays the ground where we stand on Europe. Around a million of digital jobs are available and a lot of companies are either planning their digital transformation or not yet in full swing in terms of its operationalization. Martin creates awareness that we at DSAA build a bridge between Europe’s IT demands and Africa’s IT talents. Offshoring is also possible in Africa as the region has a lot of potentials, especially if we look at finding the right talents who have the necessary IT and digital skillsets to support international companies.
Diversity has also been highlighted since all panelists shared their goals to attract more female employees and create an inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortable to express their ideas. As the panelists are in leading positions, they encourage everyone to take bold decisions in hiring and enabled everyone to learn and give people a chance to grow into the role, especially when it comes in using technology. This discussion connects to the main core of DSAA as we commit to diversity, equity and inclusion.
What does the next 5 years have in store? As Martin reiterates, agility paves way to a working environment where cultural differences are reduced. This methodology exists and an awareness of it will help companies to have stable processes.